On Friday night, I went over to my boyfriend Steve's apartment and brought over my kitties...I hate leaving them alone, they are so social and love being around people and I was heading out for my night on the town.
Anyhoo..In his bathroom, there is a small hole in the wall between his sink and bathtub and there resides a mouse. The mouse made quite the mess for a little guy...insulation all over the floor...he's been trying his darndest to get in and he is not shy at all. You tap and he starts clawing....eeeek, and making little mouse squeaks. My boyfriend put duck tape over the hole. Turtles, my big male cat went Straight to the hole as soon we arrived ...I followed and immediately took the duck tape off. I wanted my kitties to do what nature intended them to do...catch rodents. But Steve didn't like that very much and covered the hole up, he was scared they wouldn't catch it and I would take the kitties home and there would be a mouse loose in house....grrrrrrrr....makes no sense to me. I really wanted them to catch it...Is that so wrong of me?? I think its adorable and completely natural for kitties to catch mice.
P.S.- I also love it when they can be friends too..heehee, a rare occassion.

Aww, I love the last pic! :)
a ha hahh a11h 1h 1h1h1h1h1h!!!!! ja fhahfahfa;f!!! i love this. and you and your bf are so funny. quite the tom and jerry show over there! i am glad i am not a mouse. i take the kitty side almost always. i am no fan of mice.
have you ever seen willard with krispin glover? it is a doozy of a movie. maybe you could watch it with the bf and kitties. fun for all, for sure. :)
My cat has caught 2 mice before.
Once while in college she befriended one and they hung out in my bathtub together.
The other one was found in bits and pieces in her litter box.
drollgirl- I will have to check it out,never seen it..but I do dig Krispin Glover. haha..we'll have to make an event of it...pull off the duct tape..and continue the tom & jerry fiasco...dadadaaaa...
me melodia- thats funny about your cat..hehe, she sounds confused. eww..she must of been trying to bury it. sometimes i try to offer my kitty Tuna a piece of something i'm eating, and she starts digging at the floor as if to bury it...ahaha i think they like to bury things they think stink.
aww...poor little mousies..they are pretty darn cute.
I know it's supposed to be natural for them to do it,but I hate any type of rodent,dead or alive,so I prefer my cat not to catch them.I don't mind them being out there,I just don't want them anywhere near me.
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