I got a perm when I was 13 and I bawled my little eyes out. Lately, I've been really craving the curls, my hair is straight as a board and its boring me to tears. When I do curl my hair, it doesn't hold for very long...which is a bummer.
Curls are so feminine and pretty. I envy all you lucky girls with the pretty curls.
i have stick straight hair too. wah. sometimes i try the hot rollers and spray the hell out of my hair hoping it will stay curly. but those curls start slipping puhretty fast. i bet you can relate. :)
oh fo sho...any bit of moisture in the hair and...whomp...the curls go limp. sad story, really.
Trust me girls,having curly hair can be a curse as well.It takes a lot of product to get it looking that good,and like my niece,she has super curly hair (kinda like the girl in the 3rd picture) and it is a total bitch trying to get all the knots and tangles out of her hair.Hopefully soon she will start taking better care of her hair,by herself (she's 8).
hehe, i guess its one of those cases where the grass is greener on the other side! ooo...see i never even thought of knots or tangles..i wonder, curly hair must dread faster too maybe.
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