There is something about birds, especially ducks and geese chasing a person that gets me in stitches. I have been chased before, and it is quite frightening and hilarious all in one...your adrenaline gets going and you keep looking behind you, and they have their necks sticking out right far, with their tongues out, squawking at you in a very angry manner. And its just all of a sudden too, so at random they choose "You" to really hate and embarrass. I've literally fallen to the ground laughing while watching other people get chased.
So I found a few photos to share the hilarity! I also included a couple photos of pigeon swarms, just because the reactions of the people were just too funny not to post. Have a super great weekend folks and tread lightly by any bird you see!!! :P
hahahehe...I knew it would get a rise out of you especially because of your fear of birds...sorry!!! ..but you have to admit, its funny when it happens to someone else!!
Yes! My wife, dog and I were on a walk the other day and this goose was ready to throw down. It did this neck move and hissed. I rolled up my sleeves and said, "bring it." Okay not really, but we did get threatened by a goose! I could never harm it, I'm vegan.
bahaha... i love it,nobody has the guts when chased or threatened by geese..well all the people I've seen...the geese always win and the people end up feeling pwned.
I am completely on the birds' side.People tend to mess with things that are better left alone.And they never learn.
Oh, I think its great that birds react this way...people do usually deserve it..and dogs, and cats...
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