I absolutely adore when cats and dogs are buddies. I have two cats right now and someday want a dog, and I hope to God they can be friends...I worry about my cats becoming introverts, hiding all the time and thats not fair cause they were my first babies. I am hoping they can be like these awesome creatures above.
I love that 5th one!!!! Ha! I love when dogs give that, "Wait this is out of my control." look. My dog does it with my two cats daily.
hehe sweet...what kind of dog??
a hahahhaha!!! they can get pretty rough and tumble together! love these shots!
and you are so right about tori spelling. i always said she had COW EYES, but you had a much more elegant way of stating it. :)
A basset hound!
Bassetts are wonderful dogs...I love their webby looking feet!
My last album is available on itunes, there's a link on my blog at the bottom. The album with that song you like will be out this summer (but I did release it as a 3 song single).
Good luck with the move! I love moving, it's so symbolic. I'm sure you guys will be very happy where ever you end up.
That last pic just melts your heart!It is too adorable.Don't worry,as long as you introduce your cats to the dog when it is still a young puppy,and have them spend lots of time together,there shouldn't be problems.Also,the cats should be neutered.That helps a lot.
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