I went and bought an XL coffee and halfway through I was a different person, joyful even. It works wonders on my mood. It also gets my creative juices flowing like no other, and the giddy effect is kinda fun. I'm not a hardcore junkie like some people, I have maybe one or two a day, tops. So yeah, thats it...I love me some coffee!!!

p.s.- Have you ever tried chocolate covered coffee beans? Un-freakin-credible!

Update: ....sigh...I forgot about the coffee crash...:(
I love that picture of the kittens and the mug! So cute!
I also heart coffee. I don't drink a ton of it, but I always need it to get me going in the morning.
I like that [chocolate covered coffee beans]
have their own tag.
hahah...its to remind me to get them ASAP.
You always find the best photos!
i don't like coffee, but i am DOWN WITH TEA! and it makes all the difference in the world. i love to get hopped up on caffeine. i want to get jittery.
I don't drink coffee but I love choclate covered espresso beans. i can eat handfuls by the handfuls!
haha im with you! although i cant do caffine - so i go the decaf route. but i love it anyway :)
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