Last night at around 3am, my bf and I decided to take our kitties for a walk. We strapped the harnesses and leashes on them, easier said than done and walked out into the night. It was actually quite magical, it had rained all day and you could smell it in the air and there was a stillness that was ever so peaceful because everyone around was sound asleep.
I took Turtles, the big guy and Steve took Tuna the cute, silly little girl. Turtles just adored every second of it...and he was the hardest to get out the door. I loved watching him creep along, nose to the ground..stepping through long grass..just in amazment at the huge world, he had just stepped into that he usually watches from a window. Tuna enjoyed it too, but would play dead every once in awhile and you would have to drag her along...which looks absolutely hilarious, my boyfriend dragging along a flat as a pancake cat.
We want to take them out to the woods some nice day, and have a little photo shoot with them. Ahhhh....Kitties.
oh my. you two are very brave!!! and your kitties will never be the same as they now know about the big, wide world!!!! i tried it once with two cats i used to have. um, not such great results. but lots of laughing and neighbor pointing. :)
hehe for sure..except not so much neighbor activity at 3 am..;)
We've taken them out a couple times before, and luckily they haven't gotten obsessed..I just feel so bad keeping them cooped up, but I'm sure thats just my own paranoia. They are prob just fine with that. Its fun though and my big guy walks with like he's a dog, which is pretty sweet!!
ahh u love that image! and im very jealous you can walk your cats. the vet keeps telling me to take grace so i bought her this harness. yeah...it wasnt pretty.
My cat is now used to being indoors/outdoors.If I had my way,I'd keep her indoors and also just take her for walks,but my bf veto'd me on that decision.He felt she needed freedom.But I'm always worried about her getting hurt :(
Wait, you took them on a walk? That is so funny. I would love to see that.
I hear ya Penny...I would be such a nervous mom..and some cats are known to take off for a day or so, I couldn't sleep at night...That is why I'm scared to let them be outdoor cats..on one hand I want them to be able to explore, hunt and climb up trees and on the other hand, I'd both miss them and worry too much.
K- it is pretty funny looking!! very cute.
How cool that you can walk your cats!!
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