very Angry Talking Cat

This is one pissed off Pussy...simmer buddy...LOL!


Awesome Sara said...

LOLOLOLOL that is hilarious!!!!!

drollgirl said...

it sounds like something from a horror flic!!!!

E.K. said...

Wow, I thought a fight was going to break out, but that cat was all talk...;)

alissa said...

ok that was the creepiest sound ever! my cat kind of makes that noise when shes about to throw up.
the weird thing is when i was playing this she totally looked up and was watching me like wtf!

Kitty Stampede said...

ahaha...same thing with my cat Turtles, he was downstairs eating and as soon as I started playing it for my boyfriend, he came pounding up the stairs and was looking from me to the screen completely puzzled.
its just so funny how long this guy goes on with his gurgly garbles, that poor other cat..haha he can't get a word in without ol' ginger jumping to conclusions...but as E.K. said he's prob all

Anonymous said...

the little kitty musta ate all the cat treats

Baybay Mama said...

So hysterical. Did you do your morning paper today with The ARtists Way?

Anonymous said...

That was too funny even my cat reacted to the sound of the cat!

me melodia said...

I never watch videos with sound at work just for this reason. I just died.
Tears are rolling down my face. Why is that black cat just sitting there???
Crap i'm going to watch this like 30 more times now.