When Cats & Tongue Collide

I find its absolutely hilarious and cute when a cat will look at you, and have their tongue sticking out just a little bit. My little Tuna was cleaning herself earlier and I called her name and she looked at me with a wee lil' pink tongue peeking at me...I cracked up and I swear she had it out for like half an hour after. I guess its quite common in cats, even in the big ones.


alissa said...

omg my cat does that all the time - she sleeps with it sticking out sometimes too. i think its pretty funny

drollgirl said...

snicker. mine do this every now and again, and even after 10 years with them it STILL makes me laugh. and their tongues are so PINK! crazy.

E.K. said...

This always creeps me out, but makes me laugh.

Baybay Mama said...

These photos are amazing. I even brought my boyfriend over to look at them. My dog's tongue sticks out sometimes. All of a sudden you will pet him and he is comfortable and then a little bit of tongue shows...amazing

Pandora said...

My cat loves showing her tongue on pictures.It is so adorable!