I am obsessed with baby animals, especially when they are awkward and still have lots of growing left to do. When their heads have to grow into their bodies or vice versa. I love the awkwardness, its super cute and silly looking. For the past while, my baby obsession has been Baby Barn Owls...they are adorable, fuzzy and some look like they are made of wood. I just wanted to share these funny little cuties... Oh, and here is an awesome band called Caribou with a song called "Barn Owl" which I love.
...sigh...Kids in the Hall, its been forever since I watched it. I was actually looking for the song "Terrier" by the Moaners (super good song) who I posted about below and I came across this video and just had to post it. Bruce Mcculloch was my favorite Kid in the Hall..he always has the best little song ditties...he's such a cutie.
This indie rock girl band duo is freaking awesome! Melissa Swingle and drummer Laura King are from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They are known for their southern gothic garagey, blues style sound. I find their sound has hints of crunchy out of tune, surf and egyptian style riffs which makes them quite unique sounding. I adore girl fronted bands and these two ladies rock my socks off. A friend introduced me to them awhile back, I've yet to get an album cause I can't find them locally, I suppose I'll have to purchase one online as I love to support buying tunes from killer bands.
I need a spring jacket, you know something that isn't too heavy but enough to cover up if you got a bit of a chill. I am still wearing my winter coats and am on the hunt for a superb spring/summer jacket. Something that will look great with anything, i'm sick of the winter puff look. Winter, Be Gone.
I came across this site and fell in love with lots of jackets, among other beautiful articles of clothing. My favorite being the Eve Gravel line, so wicked. I was super happy to find out it was Canadian too, cause it seems all other cool clothing companies are either US and UK etc and sometimes don't ship to Canada :(
Tonight I was super bored at work and I came across this site and it had me in giggles! I posted a few of my favs...plus a few kitties, but dogs definitely look more dorky.