I am obsessed with baby animals, especially when they are awkward and still have lots of growing left to do. When their heads have to grow into their bodies or vice versa. I love the awkwardness, its super cute and silly looking. For the past while, my baby obsession has been Baby Barn Owls...they are adorable, fuzzy and some look like they are made of wood. I just wanted to share these funny little cuties...
Oh, and here is an awesome band called Caribou with a song called "Barn Owl" which I love.
SeeqPod - Playable Search
ah! i want one of each! love your blog name by the way. xx
i am a scared of birds! i think i always feel like they want to peck my eyes out and claw my face. maybe this stems from hitchcock's the birds?
but you have found some cuties here. i can handle them in picture format!
p.s. LOVE THE VIDEO YOU SENT ME!!!! LOVE IT. want to post it, but you found it so you should!
hahah these birds don't look too harmful, too silly and awkward quite yet..i love birds..there are so many different types and I love their color schemes, but I know I would screech if one swooped down on me out of the blue. hehe i can see where the fear would come in, especially after seeing the birds!
I want a baby barn owl!
I love owls -- such amazing birds. Glad you enjoyed the sausage pasta -- it's a tasty one :)
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