...not really ice cream, i thinks its slushie, but i adore this picture..too cute.
...hahaha, oh my what a mess.
...now THIS is an icecream kitty

..this so wickedly cool, its an ice cream bird feeder.

...squirrels can dig it.
...kind of a boring image, but I adore these classic icecream sandwiches.


...warhol knew the score, now thats some fancy schmancy ice cream.

....just looking at all these images makes me feel like this.
So you can clearly see that I am craving ice cream to the maximum, well I was hehe...I think these images satisfied my craving. My favorite kind of ice cream is peanut butter fudge crunch...mmmmm...drool...But I also adore good ol' fashioned softserve, ice cream sandwiches, cakes, etc etc...Ok, I love it all..I'm sure there must be nasty kinds out there.
My boyfriend's family kitty TinTin looves ice cream and I would always share my sundaes with her...I would take the spoon piled with ice cream and press it againt her nose, and she would have a gay old time licking it off forever. She was an absolute mess but was in kittie heaven.
What's your favorite kind or do ya hate the stuff? or lactose intolerant...I'm so glad I'm not, I would die.
I was loving the ice cream imagery but I think I've made myself sick..hope I didn't do the same for you.
images found (artsy digs, flickr, pixadaus)