…It’s that time again!!! I wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Holy Babies!!!
…this video of a seahorse giving birth just boggles my mind. Can you guess how many babies she’s literally popping out ?!? It’s safe to say if we went forth & multiplied this many kids, the planet would be so overpopulated it would explode. @_@
Nicole Aline Legault–lookidrewyou
…These illustrations are done by a buddy of mine,Nicole Aline Legault aka lookidrewyou. I completely adore her drawings, and recently bought some as gifts for friends, but I ended up keeping most of them. I’ve been meaning to share her stuff for awhile now. Enjoy…:D
…this is one she did of ME!! :D (a kitty peeks at you)
Nature Therapy
…Sometimes all you need is a good nature walk. I’ve been a bit down lately, and we went for an amazing jaunt in the woods today, and now I feel completely revitalized. I find when you are in nature, all your worries shrink away and seem so completely insignificant, you become inspired and feel so at peace, or at least I do. I really should do it on a complete regular basis, as it seems to be so good for my soul.
…I hope you all had wonderful weekends!!! Do anything interesting? :D
…I’m loving this bad assidy by Fredrik Selby.
I hope you all had awesome weekends!! What’d you do??? I went for some beautiful walks and went to two different organic grocery stores, I’m slowly transferring over to as many organics as possible and I love it…you can totally taste the difference.
I want to apologize for my crappy bloggins as of late..I’m still fishing for jobs like a maniac and I’m not getting any bites. I’ve never had an issue finding something in all my life…and I have tons of work experiences. Where I live most of the jobs/careers/whatevers you have to speak french, and I am not considered bilingual so it is very limiting…gah. I am right now considering doing the work at home thing, there are actually non scam jobs that do exist. anyhoo, that is my piddly little explanation, hehe, of my not being as active. Have a Great Week Everyone!!!
TGIF Kitties





(look at those back legs, just look at them…haha)
…Happy Friday Everyone!!! Have any superfantastic plans for the weekend?
I don’t, other than I’d like to hit up the Farmer’s Organic Market here, finally watched Food Inc and really not liking the idea of buying meat and even veggies at the grocery store anymore.
Have a Great Weekend!!!!!!!!!!
…just giving a quick Hello to the peeps that visit…I am so crazy this week with job hunting..it’s mad. Job hunting in itself is a total fulltime job, even more so. I hope that it’s only timing and something I actually like will come about, but I’m prepared do something crappy until then. It’s frustrating, but I must try and stay positive. Sorry to blab about my stuff.
I hope all your weeks are going awesome!! Laser kitties made my day and hope they bring a smile to yours!!! :D
Get Up, Stand Up
…I’ve been meaning to do a post on standing cats for awhile now, ever since my cats sitting like humans post. I got reminded from the awesome Standing Cats post on Urlesque filled with all their favourite videos of cats standing…so hilarious and so cute. Check it Out!! :D
I catch my kitty Tuna doing it on occasion and I savour every second, how could you turn away from a standing cat?!?