…Enjoy, and Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!! ^_^
Pesky Cat Designs
via (cats in bags are not her bags)
…I loove purses, but I am SUPER picky and I find there are a lot of really ugly ones out there. But Pesky Cat Designs are purrfection. Elisa is an amazing designer, and I love how one of a kind & earthy her bags are. She is very inspired by color, texture and Nature!!! I unfortunately do not own one of these unique beauties yet, due to some financial yucky times but as soon as there is double income (my husband is on the hunt after just graduating), One of her purses shall be mine!!!! Cannot Wait.
Go and Check out her Pesky Cat Designs Etsy Store & Blog to see Tons more gorgeous bags, and snatch one of these beauts up!!! ^_^
p.s.- the interior of the bags are just as beautiful.
Patty Cake, Patty Cake
…Baker’s Man, Bake me a Cake as fast as you can!!! mmmm…Cake.
…This video is melt-worthy cute.
On the subject of cakes, these cat litter box cakes always crack me up. I don’t know if I could do it. It just seems so wrong. They just look so gross. But I bet they are delish. ;)
…These are cakes, I swear. Have I gone too far??? haha.
Mrs. Kitty’s Dishwashing Machine
…I wouldn’t mind this contraption in my kitchen. I would be smiling too. I seem to forever be in over my head with dishes. I will have finished a couple counters worth, and than within a few hours there is another sink load to be done. ARGH. I just don’t get it. I love a clean house, but I really find cleaning insanely boring. I now put on an interesting documentary or podcast while I clean so my brain is stimulated enough. Is that weird??
These Monster Splotches
… by Steve Loya make my brain smile. I’m a hardcore coffee spiller (any liquid for that matter), and sometimes when I spill onto paper, I make little creatures out of the stains. These reminded me of those. I love how simple and how much personality are in these funny little splotches. I love weird little creatures…not sure why I do, but I do. pure silly imagination at it’s finest.
(brain-head kitty)
…i love the concept of taking “nothing” like a paint splotch/blob or a “mistake” and turning it into something so cool, funny and creative.
See more here!
p.s.- …If I was a fashion designer I would take all these splotch monsters and use them as inspiration and create a collection, lol. BTW is anyone watching “Project Runway”?? …I love that show. I’m not huge on reality shows, but this one is fun to watch. I am totally rooting for Mondo!!! I adore his quirkiness, and he is just so adorable.
TGIF Kitties
…Happy Friday and Weekend to you all!!! I am sooo late but I felt compelled to do this post even though I almost didn’t.
…I have been soo tired lately, I think it might be something to do with weather transitioning. It is starting to get really cold here and I’m not impressed, you would think I would be used to it by now growing up in Eastern Canada, but I’m not. I envy all you people that live in hot weather all year round. Consider yourself lucky! Seriously. I do love a pretty snowfall, but this bitter cold crap can be torture-some.
Wishing you all a most excellent weekend!!!!!!!!!!! I plan on sleeping on a stack of pretty plates like the last little buddy guy.
Celestial Cats
…these Celestial Cats by Boya Latumahina are out of this world & awesomely amazing. That first one is purrrfection. Seriously, how cool are they ??? I am fascinated by stars, space and obviously kitties, so my jaw dropped when I stumbled on these beauts. You can buy these crazy neat space star kitties here!