(loooooove this one)
…The Amazing Animal Sightings of Andrew Fladeboe. Check out his website for more tons more photography goodness…especially of the animal variety! my favorite!
(loooooove this one)
…The Amazing Animal Sightings of Andrew Fladeboe. Check out his website for more tons more photography goodness…especially of the animal variety! my favorite!
…I am a huge fan of huskies, definitely being my 2nd top favorite breed. They are insanely beautiful creatures in my books. I love how close to the original ‘dog’ they are…so close to being wolf. All of the ones I have ever met are hilarious too, they ooooze with personality and are so vocal and saucy. And those eyes. *melt*
…At my work we have a few huskies, and in this cold, they want to be outside- the colder, the better. It’s so hilarious when they get howling at work, and everyone joins in but they aren’t naturals like the huskies so they look ridiculous..hahaha. It’s too funny. I want to see if I can record it sometime. They also looove to dig holes in the snow, and could be out all day digging. It’s so cute. I love when dogs do traditional dog things, I get a real kick out of it.
…I am so tempted if when I get a dog to get a husky, maybe not purebred, but a mix with mostly husky. They are extremely active dogs and need TONS of excercise, that is why a lot of people bring them to doggy daycares as often times people don’t have a lot of time during the work week to take them on long walks. (If most people brought their crazy, out of control dogs to daycares a couple times of week, there wouldn’t be so many dogs in the animal shelters)
…Are any of you husky fans? or own them? I wish I had one to snuggle right now, although I don’t think my cats would appreciate that very much. ;)
via OutsideMyBrain
…these cats TOTALLY have the idea. It is extremely Brrrr…where we live right now. Tons of ice, snow and much more to come. Indoors is the place to be. And I wish I had a fireplace because that would make it all the more cozy. Not a huge fan of winter, but love the coziness factor of being home. Super Good excuse to be a homebody. :P
…ahem, especially the cats! these are incredible. this would be a dream job for me. check out these adorable portraits…
…Brooke also does an amazing amount of work with her photography for the aid in adoption of these beautiful creatures.
Go to her site and check out the insane cuteness….the dogs are over the top too. She has nailed this art form, that’s for sure. …Brooke, if you ever are looking for an apprentice, I’m your gal. ;) See more at her wonderful website here!
…If you haven’t seen this yet, ya gotta. It’s way too cute. what a precious little moment. one of my fav things is seeing different species of animals bonding. there is something just so sweet about it.