Crazy Cat Ladies-The Documentary
...Too Many Kitties to Love. There is always possibility to have too much of a good thing...kitties included.
Black Cat

The Broken Hearts. Black Cat

I really like this song by London's The Broken Hearts...I heard it a Long time ago and just stumbled across it again,today. I'll have to check out their other stuff, as this is all I've heard from them. These two fine ladies seem pretty cool and theatrical in a burlesque kinda way,which I dig...its refreshing.
And Black Kitties,You can cross my path any day.
The Broken Hearts Myspace
p.s.-no lucky on my dress thrift shopping yesterday...but I found 4 really cool shirts(2 Arnold Palmer sexy plaids,2 tight-ish tshirts...I'm sick of the baggy off those pipes, bebe) and 2 pairs of pants(brown cords & medium blue carpenter jeans) for my man...He's in desperate need for some new "nice" clothes so it was a big time Bonus. I tend to enjoy Men's clothes shopping...I kinda pretend if I was a guy I would wear this, or what I find is attractive on a guy or whatever.
Dress me UP

...I'm loving these sweet and saucy dresses by Eve Gravel. I am in dire need of new everything in my wardrobe. But I especially have a yearning for very feminine,pretty dresses. I adore Eve Gravel...She is a designer from Quebec,Canada. I am in love with her cuts,shapes and little details. I find her style really suits me and don't get started on her tops,jackets etc.
...I am off to do some thrift shopping today...I BETTER come back with some gems.
TGIF Kitties

I hope all you fantastic wondertrees of excellence have a super fun weekend!
p.s.- We booked our trip and we are heading to ITALY. We are going to both Rome and Florence...should be a-freaking-mazing. What a crazy place to go for our first flight though...eeeeek. Ciao...
p.p.s- I am sooo excited to eat PIZZA there...I will come back a cow.
Somebody hose me now...
Vacay-tion all I ever Wanted...

...I'm, I mean "We" are trying to plan a vacation, well I guess its a honeymoon...same shite, different pile. We are more than likely going to Rome...We're both big on art so it seems like a great choice plus the place is soo ancient...I'm sure the architecture is just insane and well the food...mmmff,don't get me started.
We both have Not been outside Eastern Canada and the US so its going to be such an adventure,PLUS neither of us have EVER been on a plane. I'm super pumped.
I'll be a trickling in and out of blog-world for the next while, so bear with me wonderfuls.
Vacation (1994 Digital Remaster) - The Go-Gos
Squirrely BFF
...This is just too much cuteness. That man....oh and yeah that squirrel are such darlings!
found via LiveLeak

So I did it...I'm married!
On Saturday at 4pm...My dad rolled me on down the aisle on his motorcycle to my groom and we tied the knot!! It was quite amazing. It threatened to rain all day...forecasted to start raining at 11am but it didn't start until right when we were leaving at 830pm....a complete miracle. It was an outdoor wedding at my aunt's beautiful cottage in Prince Edward Island right on top of a red cliff above a rain was not an option.
I really enjoyed myself but between the not being able to eat and a case of gazillion butterflies in my belly...the ceremony itself is quite a blur.
I brought tons of stuff for the kids to do at the outdoor bubbles,skipping ropes,kites, balls,frisbee's....the kids had a major ball and it was one of the highlights for me...looking over and seeing all these happy,smiling faces ripping around having a ball. It was a very casual, relaxed wedding and a lot of people told me it was the best they've been too, they seemed genuine enough...hehe. We stayed in a gorgeous Honeymoon Suite with a Jacuzzi that night...I am sooo getting a jacuzzi someday. I could go on and on about all the other little details, but I won't could be a book.
All I know is I'm now a very happy and calm lady and I slept a good 15 hours yesterday...takes a lot of ya..hehe.

NextStep-Honeymoon...we haven't decided where we want to go yet..we're just going to pull a last minute deal.
I'm sooooooooo behind on all your bloggies. I hate missing makes you so sucks bungholes. Hope you're all doing fantab!

Animals can pull this off in Public....Humans however cannot. Bring on that cute,cute creature love!!!
I miss all you people,since I'm not regular lately I feel like I am falling behind and missing out on so much...ahh well...I suppose real life physical world is priority to blog world...I miss it madly though. Love you all!!!! xoxoxox
Tick Tock

So time is indeed a ticking...the "massive" day is on Saturday at 4pm. I apologize again for my crappier than crap blogging and for talking about this non-stop but its all that's on my mind right now. I am so excited to marry my best friend!!! We will more than likely die together from laughing too hard we explode.
I'm putting my finishing touches on the mix Cd's that will be playing for the reception. Here a few of my favs...there are tons more that I wanted to post but I don't have time for anything, it seems. It was a complete and utter blessing I got laid off...believe it or least for sanity's sake.
-That Features song is the sweetest song ever...listen to it!
I wanted cool tunes playing but something for everyone, so oldies were a I totally adore sooo many oldies!!! I'm including tons of Beatles,Fleetwood Mac,The Zombies,The Kinks,The Cure,Johnny Cash,The Ventures etc etc etc...its been fun but I gotta try and keep it tame from some of the music I'm used to. I don't want Grammies to be upset.
The Yardbirds: For Your Love - The Yardbirds
So Happy Together - Turtles
This Will Be Our Year - The Zombies
The Idea of Growing Old - The Features

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