…these are sort of incredible.
Adoring: Robin Schwartz “Primate Portraits”
…this is photography perfection in so many ways. and they make you giggle to boot.
…Check out more from the insanely, amazing talented Robin Schwartz. I love all her series. This is totally the stuff I would want to be doing if I was a professional photographer! Hope you all enjoyed these shots as much I did. :)
Fresh Garden Kitties
…I mean Veggies. ;)
via (I SO want to do this to my cats…LOLOL)
this cat is actually a vegetarian
via (Shroom Hat!!!)
…one thing that I love love love about summer is fresh, crunchy, delicious garden fresh vegetables! I find I appreciate them now more then ever. I love how fresh, healthy and how beautiful all the colors are. There is something so wonderful about seeing them all on display at farmer’s markets that is just not the same as seeing them at the grocery store.
…I tried my hand at a tiny flower bed size garden this year. I was a total newb and wasn’t overly successful. The green beans and peas grew pretty good and I’ve eaten quite a few of them, but now are suffering since I couldn’t take care of them while away for 10 days, so they unfortunately were neglected and are kind of in a dead mode, I hope they spring back to life with proper care. Only ONE carrot grew, LOL…and I planted quite a few of them, but BOY was it ever delicious. I hope more spring up, who knows…
…There is something so rewarding about eating veggies you planted yourself. Do any of you lovely peeps have a garden? I’m sure there are a trillion gazillion of others that love the season of freshness just like me!! :D And Don’t get me started on the FRUIT!!!! …that would need to involve a whole other post. ;)
these cats are always on vacation…
…baaack to work, baaack to reality…still trying to get myself together after being away. phew. it’s such a weird feeling to go from being “on holidays” mode to “work” mode. Next time I will make sure I have a transition period, instead of arriving back home the night before and jumping back into it full tilt. ooof.
…just thought I would share a few snappy shots I took while on vacation. the kitty related ones, anyhow… :) …Taken again from my favorite place on the planet, and it’s gotta be the reason I love cats so much!! My Grandparents Farm. They make that place even more special than it already is.
eeeek…sooo cute. I wanted to bring diamond nose home with me. what a lil’ dollface.
back and bushed
…back from vacation…took a nice, much needed computer and work break. When you are not on the internetz for awhile, you feel sooooooo far behind on stuff. I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. For now I am just going to try and recoup for a day or so and will try and bounce back to my bloggin’ self. It’s funny I went on vacation, you would think I would be super energized, but I didn’t relax much because I was trying to jam as much in as I possibly could, so I am soo exhausted. **HUGE YAWN** Catch up soon…
…So, I’m off…leaving for a 10 day vacation today to visit family and old friends. So pumped! Haven’t seen some of them since Christmas -even before, and feel like I need a vacation hard, so I will enjoy every millsecond. My husband and I are flying out early this evening. lots of fun, great food, nature walks, quality time and laughs to be had. I probably won’t be able to stay away from the internetz too long, so will probably check in at least a couple times.
Also HAPPY CANADA DAY to my fellow canadians!!! Hope all of you have a great long weekend.
p.s.- I’m leaving my kitties, normally they travel with us but not this time due to flying,etc. We decided to leave without them for a change. I am going to miss them sooooo much. I can barely stand it. I hope they don’t hate me when I get back. My amazing sister in law is going to take good care of them for me, but I just will miss their presence and preciousness like insane. They are totally my fur babies, and I am a bit of a worry wort. I am such a dork.
p.p.s- …stay tuned for a my second giveaway coming up, more thank likely in the next couple weeks…yay…